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The Pre-Medical Program provides a smooth adaptation year for all the newcomers. Course contents are based on the topics of the entrance examinations of the universities. There are regular tests both written and oral to get practice in taking examinations. Also a high success rate is noted after completing the course, as after completing the program up to 95% get admission to their desired program. The teachers care about teaching and they care about the students. The student will have the opportunity to meet other international students from different cultures in small-size groups. The student will get adapted to an independent way of life and will learn how to get prepared to oral and written exams.

The Pre-Medical Program is also a social experience. Social events, trips to the countryside, lectures about Hungarian culture will make this year an unforgettable experience before the university studies.

The syllabus of the program contains General English, English for Special Purposes, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Introduction to Biophysics and Hungarian. The program starts on October and there is also an intensive program starting at January.